Do you offer free inspections or estimates for your services?
At Malaysian Pest Control (MPC), we uphold the highest standards of service. While we understand that some pest control companies offer free inspections or low-cost entry services, we believe in delivering quality that reflects the true cost of our expertise, time, and resources.

Yes, we do perform free inspections for various cases involving Klang Valley addresses. During the inspection, our qualified and experienced staff may have to carry out physical inspection and visit around your premise. We may ask relevant questions that may assist our assessment of your pest problems. This approach allows us to provide thorough and professional inspections that you can trust, ensuring we identify and understand the full scope of your pest problem.
Performing a site inspection involves manpower, time, and fuel costs – while we do not charge our potential clients, we still wish to keep costs minimal and therefore we do not pass on costs to our clients generally. Therefore, we recommend potential clients to send photographs via WhatsApp for a pre-visit quotation. We also offer free consultations over the phone to provide initial guidance and assessments. After this, you can decide whether you’d like to proceed with our services.
Our business approach, since our inception in 1967, has always been about fairness to all our stakeholders. Rest assured, we’re dedicated to maintaining this commitment now and into the future.