Why Cockroaches are so hard to kill

Cockroaches are hard to exterminate due to their adaptable nature, ability to breed rapidly, and resistance to some pesticides. They can survive on minimal resources and hide in inaccessible areas, making it challenging to target them effectively. Their resilience and the increasing resistance to common control methods necessitate professional intervention for thorough extermination.
They can live and lay eggs without their heads on
Cockroaches exhibit a phenomenon where, due to their decentralized nervous system, a headless cockroach can live even for a week, while that is more of extreme cases. While a headless cockroach cannot reproduce without its head, as the mating process requires a complete body, the fact that cockroaches can survive decapitation highlights their resilience. This resilience is part of what makes cockroaches challenging pests to control.
Extremely Agile
Cockroaches are known for their exceptional agility. They can run up to 3 miles per hour, rapidly maneuver around obstacles, and even climb vertical surfaces. This agility, combined with their ability to squeeze through extremely small spaces, makes cockroaches adept at evading attempts to catch or kill them, contributing to their reputation as resilient pests. They can move through very small tiny cracks.